David's April Ministry Update

Posterity will serve him;
future generations will be told about the Lord.
They will proclaim his righteousness,
declaring to a people yet unborn:
He has done it!
-Psalm 22: 30-31

Hello, friends!

    It's May, which means many things. One, my allergies are in peak attack mode. Two, students are taking finals and are therefore extra likely to be flaky. Three, I write a monthly ministry update that covers April. Hey, that last one is right now! Thanks for all your support and prayer this month.

Pizza Theology:

    Once per semester, FOCUS gets together to listen to 4 hours of lecture for a topic that can't be well-covered in just a 30 minute sermon. This semester, the topic for Pizza Theo was wisdom. Collin students prepared by reading through Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job. At the event, they were met with wisdom such as "Proverbs says if you study for your test, you will make a better grade. Ecclesiastes says if you study for your test, you are going to die either way" and "Peter seems like the most foolish of the apostles to us, but who did Jesus think was most wise, who did he choose to be the rock of the church?" Pastorally, it has been incredible for students to think about not just simply what is right vs wrong, but what is wise vs foolish. Pizza Theo was challenging to me, too, revealing to me that I don't ask for advice enough nor do I have many counselors. I'm thankful that we have events like these to engage our minds and hearts in following the Lord.

Palm Sunday Preaching:

    The church that most heavily supports Collin FOCUS, Wylie Northeast, trusted the FOCUS staff to organize the 3 Sundays including and leading up to Easter. And they trusted me to preach on Palm Sunday! It was my first experience preaching on a Sunday Morning, and I really enjoyed preparing and delivering it and learning from it. If you want to watch it, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl9tynyDu7c. Wow, I totally could've Rick Rolled you just then.

Baby Update:

    The pregnancy is half of the way complete! As I'm writing this, Alex is almost 4.5 months pregnant. It's been a great 2nd trimester, Alex is feeling great. This month, we wanted to share the (probable) name for our girl: Shayna! We found inspiration as we looked into our favorite Bible passages. In Psalm 127, a family-building Psalm that has taught us to rest and trust in God providing for us, there is a line: the Lord "gives sleep to those he loves". The Hebrew noun for sleep here is "Shay-naw". As an added bonus, it means beautiful girl in Yiddish.

Prayer Requests and Student Testimony:


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