David's December Update

You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Psalm 16:11

Hello, friends!

    Happy New Year! 2024 has an extra day, a presidential election, and most exciting of all, a new Planet of the Apes movie. There's so much to look forward to. Before we get ahead of ourselves, I have a December update for all you lovely people. Thank you so much for partnering with me in ministry!

Christmas Parties

Top: At the final TNF, the cores compete against each other to turn one member each into a Human Christmas Tree. Our core didn't place in the top 3, but we won in my heart. Also, nobody got the memo that the party was disco themed so I look very out of place!
Middle: Some members of the two Frisco guys' cores get together for a Friendsgiving (OK technically not a Christmas party but same same). Dang, Andrew's dad makes the best homemade barbecue sauce!
Bottom: The Collin FOCUS staff got together for bowling and laser tag. It was really sweet to hang out together and to absolutely crush them in the laser arena.

    The end of the semester is a great chance to celebrate the year and reflect on what God has done in it. I'm very thankful for God's work in the students at the Frisco Campus, and that he is drawing people into friendships with himself and as a result we are better friends to one another. I am so grateful to work on a team that values love for one another, even sometimes at the cost of efficiency or our own agenda. Over the break we read the book, "To Love as God Loves" by Roberta Bundi, which spent a number of pages emphasizing this point. It's almost never easy to love and especially to love well.


Top: Shayna is at peace, completely limp, asleep on her Grandaddy, my father-in-law, at Six Flags. I can't express how thankful I am for my wife's family, who bless us so much and in so many ways. I pray often that God would bless them abundantly.
Middle: Shayna meets her great-grandmother and is super cute in a matching outfit with Alex.
Bottom: My amazing wife turned 25 this December! To celebrate, I made a cake and brought it to church, then we watched several Hunger Games movies back to back.


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