
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Earth Endures - February Ministry Update

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease." -God, after the flood, Genesis 8:22 Hello, friends!     I'm so excited to share with you about all that God had in store for the month of February. Thank you so much for your financial support and for praying for this ministry. Let's get to it! Core:      Lots of fun pictures of core this month! All of these were screenshots taken from videos, so forgive the blurriness. This semester, Orion (another FOCUS apprentice, her and I lead core together) and I started delegating roles to our core members to increase commitment levels, participation, develop leadership, and enjoy fun ideas! It's been a huge success! Especially the highly sought-after "after-event coordinator" role. Above are pictures of two of our member-led after-events: a Just Dance party, and a PiƱata/Volleyball night. They were both a blast!     Core has been a great bless