David's February Ministry Update

"...your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This, then, is how you should pray..."

-Matthew 6:8b-9a

Hello, friends!

My update from February is coming a little (ok, big) late, but it's here now. Thanks again for all your support and especially for your prayer. Without further ado, here's what God's been doing in my corner of the kingdom:


Top: Cedric at an outreach table on the Wylie campus.

Bottom: At his birthday party, Cedric is about to almost catch a ball of whipped cream in his mouth. Almost.

    Small groups (called core) in FOCUS are led in teams of two. This year, I've had the blessing of being paired with Cedric. I've talked about him a little in my blogs before, but this month I wanted to highlight him. He's incredibly faithful and hardworking, taking on a full load of classes, working in a key position at a pharmacy, and discipling multiple guys in 1on1 settings and in our core group. One of Cedric's gifts is humble boldness. I can only ever *catch* him making a sacrifice for a stranger to know God; he never boasts about his good deeds, though they are often great acts of boldness. I think the Lord has in turn blessed Cedric's life to produce much fruit. I know several young men who would be further from the Lord if it weren't for Cedric's selfless love. 
     I know that Cedric would hate that I gave him a spotlight in this ministry update, preferring to give God the attention. Well, join me in praising God. Thank you God for student leaders like Cedric! Thank you for working through your people, no matter how impressive a person looks to the world.


    I unfortunately don't have pictures for this event, because I was so captivated during it! UTD FOCUS hosted a Black History Month performance (called "Release") to showcase black artists and to celebrate black culture. We brought our Wylie Core to the event, and it was a blast! From the opening performance (an African drum & dance ensemble) to the closing performance (a New Orleans "2nd line" jazz parade) every act was full of praise for the Lord. I know many students in attendance, both black and not black, both Christian and not yet Christian, got to experience a feeling of "you belong in the Kingdom" like never before.


    A keen update reader may notice that I'm reusing this picture from January's ministry update. But how could I not? It's so amazing! 
    Josue is one of the young men that I meet with weekly to do a 1on1 Bible study with called FoJ. We're 2 weeks away from finishing the study, and over the course of our friendship, I've seen Josue really push through to follow Jesus even when the going gets tough, really tough. I am very proud of Josue for facing troubles with joy and with trust in the Lord. He's been an example to me in that. Josue was invited to go to our summer training program called SICM, will you pray for him that the Lord would provide financial support? He's about half-funded right now. Would you also pray that God would continue to work in Josue to bless those around him: his family, his coworkers, his church community, and his classmates?

Baby Update:

    In January's update, we announced that Alex was pregnant. For February's update, we have sonogram pictures! Based on that sonogram, the due date is 10/10. And look, Baby has already had their first words! Please keep praying that God would fill all three of us up with his Spirit, and make Baby grow in good health.

    See y'all soon for March's update!

Student Testimony:


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