Happy Trust - June Ministry Update

Happy is he who trusts in the LORD
-Proverbs 16:20b

Hello, friends!

    Summer is here. I think we all have mixed feelings about that. It's hot hot hot in DFW (at the time of me writing this, it'll be above 100 degrees every day this week!), but that doesn't mean it isn't fun fun fun too. For this month's ministry update, I don't have as many pictures as usual, but I still have some exciting news!

I am very engaging:

    Meet my fiancée, Alex! This picture is from right after we got engaged at the beginning of June. She's an incredible woman of God, a servant to all, and my love. There's nobody like her. Pray that our marriage will be richly blessed by God and a blessing to him and others!

Summer TNF:

    I don't have a great picture of our summer fellowship nights, but they have been amazing. FOCUS students from all the campuses across DFW flood in and worship all together, listen to a message inspired by the lessons from our 1on1 discipleship booklet, and stay after to fellowship. I've been really personally encouraged by the sermons. The week before last was on the topic of sin, where one image in particular really stuck out to me. A man accidentally burns his neighbors' house down, rendering them destitute. He walks over to the brokenhearted family, sincerely apologizes, and then goes back inside his own house to leave the family alone to rebuild. Was his apology enough? That is how we often treat sin; we may expose our guilt and apologize, but we convince ourselves that that is enough, and all the while the consequences of our sin remain.


    Over the summers, FOCUS encourages its members to join groups of 2 or 3 to meet regularly and go through the "PACCS" acronym: Prayer, Adoration, Confession, Commission, Scripture. I'm in a PACCS with a student named Graham, and I'm very excited about our friendship. He is a student that's taken much initiative with PACCS, virtually planning our agenda every week. God is certainly present in our times together. I know God is blessing a large portion of our ministry through these groups!

Happy Trust:

    Summers are the main time for support-raising for FOCUS ministers. It's easy to not trust God in various ways, but especially so during support-raising. What if people aren't generous? What if people don't believe in me? If people are generous and if they do believe in me, what if I misuse their generosity, what if I'm a bad minister that doesn't deserve it? All these doubts expose that I trust in people, not God. If God wants me to be a campus pastor, he's going to make it happen. And he's taught me again and again that it isn't about me! It's about the good, strong Creator that is redeeming the creation he loves indescribably much. So I'm happy to trust whatever he's got planned for my tiny slice of it, and there's no room to worry.
    Also, thank you so much for supporting me, especially in prayer. I know it was some of your prayers that God responded to to make me confident in him during this season.

Student Testimony:


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